
Scientific Programme | WTC2025

Topics for the scientific program and abstracts
1. Innovating tunneling
In line with the focus for WTC 2025 we foresee the need for the industry to bring new methods and technologies to adapt to future demands in our society. Electrification and automation are examples of technologies to reduce the carbon emissions and improve working conditions. More effective use of resources is important for the future. Underground structures themselves may also contribute to sustainable solutions, e.g., by offering multifunctional services. Underground space plays an important role in reducing environmental footprints, reducing inequalities, improve public health, more efficient use of space and improved safety aspects. In this topic, we welcome papers on innovative technologies that contributes to sustainable tunnelling.
Keywords: sustainability, net-zero emissions, electrification, automation, resource-efficiency
2. Safety Underground

“Safety first” is the main prevailing strategy in most projects. This session covers all aspects on safety including the planning phase, occupational health and safety and construction safety. The topic includes all innovations with the aim to increase the safety level on sites and promotions of safe behaviors. In this session we also include all aspects referred to in a health and safety plan including training, equipment, welfare facilities and atmospheric monitoring, etc.

Keywords: Safety, Occupational health and safety, Training, Firefighting

3. Use of underground space

In order to adapt infrastructure as well as in and outside urban environments, underground space may offer attractive alternatives. Using underground space can be part of the solution to become more sustainable, helping us attain the sustainability development goals and fulfil requirements relating to land use planning. Examples of underground energy storage solutions are heat, hydrogen and compressed air. Additional to this, solutions for efficient use of underground space are welcome, for example underground transportations, different types of storage function, shopping malls, etc. We also welcome examples of underground structures designed to host multiple functions, today or in the future.

Keywords: storage, energy, underground space

4. Investigations and ground characterisation

Underground excavation for both mining and infrastructure tunnels requires understanding of ground conditions and ground behavior. Investigations and ground characterization are essential parts to obtain this understanding. This topic covers and welcomes papers on activities such as geophysical investigations, face mapping and assessment of geotechnical soil/rock properties as well as the application of GIS and 3D modelling of the geological conditions documented in e.g. a Geological Baseline Report (GBR). Papers presenting training as part of the investigations are also welcome.

Keywords: Investigations, Geological mapping, Pre-investigations, ground behaviour, Geological Baseline Report (GBR)

5. Planning and design of underground space

The early planning phase will affect and determine later phases of a project. It includes an opportunity to consider robustness, sustainability, and environmental impact. Effects on ground water, settlements, vibration, traffic, noise, and air quality are all examples on what needs to be covered in an environmental impact assessment (EIA) prior to the necessary approvals. Case studies presenting innovative design methods as well as planning for reliable and sustainable production are welcome. The application of BIM, Big Data, simulation, AI and 3D visualisation to support in design and decision making, communication, learning etc. are of interest in this topic.

Keywords: Underground space, Planning, Design, Environmental impact, digitalisation, BIM

6. Conventional tunnelling

We welcome papers covering all steps and aspects of this method, including e.g. vibration, ventilation, electrification and power supply, excavation damage zone, monitoring, temporary and permanent support systems. Case studies covering production in relation to stakeholders and other adjacent structures are of interest. Papers on case studies where the observational method have been used will be good examples to this topic. Please share your novel technical solutions since they will be key to sustainable tunnelling and rock spoil handling.

Keywords: Drill and blast, responsible production, observational method, advanced excavation

7. Mechanised tunnelling

Mechanised tunnelling covers everything from microtunnels to large scale excavations. We welcome papers on all aspects including e.g. selection of technology based on ground condition, restrictions of vibration and ground settlements, electrification and power supply, monitoring, support, precast concrete elements, rock mass logistics, as well as interactions with stakeholders affected by tunnelling productions. Papers on case studies where novel technical solutions have been used are of interest.

Keywords: Mechanised tunnelling, TBM, Roadheader, advanced tunnelling, pipe jacking, micro tunnelling

8. Complex geometries including shafts and ramps

Shafts and ramps constitute important parts in both mining and tunnelling projects. In this topic, papers on complex geometries, design methods, construction methods, safety during construction and lining of shafts are welcome.

Keywords: shafts, ramps, complex geometries, design methods, construction methods

9. Grouting and groundwater control

Control of ground water and control of water ingress into excavated spaces are in many projects an essential task. The designer needs to predict the extent and develop adequate solutions. In this topic, papers regarding; concepts and design for grouting, grouting materials, requirements and verifications, grouting equipment, grouting of interface between different materials soil/rock, and compensation for the grouting work are welcome.

Keywords: groundwater, sealing, grouting design, grouting control, grouting materials

10. Instrumentation and monitoring

Monitoring of tunnels and underground assets is a critical component both during construction and operation. It has a strong potential to identify, reduce and control risks, optimize costs and maximize function and durability of new and existing assets. This topic welcomes paper focusing on instrumentation and monitoring of tunnels during construction and operation. It includes laboratory studies, field test, development of new sensors and technologies.

Keywords: instrumentation, monitoring, sensors

11. Operation, inspection and maintenance

With increasing focus on life cycle cost (LCC), the operation, inspection and maintenance of tunnels must be time and cost efficient. Automated systems, high-tech sensors and deep learning strategies based on AI, are state of the art. The focus of the topic is the development of new and more automated methods to inspect and assess the conditions of tunnels. In particular, data collection using mobile mapping systems, and the use of non-contact systems to measure and detect damages are of interest. Also, contributions on how to assess risks associated with detected damages and proposed countermeasures are welcome.

Keywords: Operation, Maintenance, Inspection, Deep learning (AI), Automated methods

12. Contractual aspects, financing and risk management

The contract conditions and management of risks are key success factors to successful projects. This area also often includes some of the root causes in projects that has not developed so well. In this session we welcome all aspects on contracts forms, contract management, reimbursement strategies, risk management including management of geotechnical uncertainties and internal and external risk communication. We welcome case histories as well as result from research and development in the area.

Keywords: Economic risk; Contract; Financing; Delay; Cost overrun

13. Impact from climate change

The globe is successively facing an increased change in climate which affects us in many ways. Something urban planners, architects, engineers, and policy­makers need to address by incorporating climate resilience and adaptation measures into the design and management of the built environment. How do we manage existing and prepare new structures to be climate resilient? And can underground space contribute to improve the resilience of the built environment? We welcome case histories as well as result from research and development in the area.

Keywords: Resilience, Climate impact, Climate change, Flooding