Host Society
Swedish Rock Engineering Association

About the society
The Swedish Rock Engineering Association is a non-profit association for companies in design, construction and operation of underground facilities and mining, as well as manufacturers of machines and equipment in the same area.
We represent Sweden in ITA-AITES (International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association), ISRM (International Society for Rock Mechanics) and EFEE (European Federation of Explosives Engineers).
The association’s main task is to once a year host the Swedish national Rock engineering and Rock mechanics conferences. The Swedish Rock Engineering Association’s activities during the past year are reported at these events. Lectures are also given on interesting subjects e.g., specific projects, technical news, and research. The national 2-day event gathers some 500+ participants and 40+ exhibitors and creates a meeting place for the whole industry.
Another task is to monitor developments in the field of rock engineering and rock mechanics. The broad knowledge that is gathered within the association is a great asset for the industry and for decisionmakers. The Swedish Rock Engineering Association does not conduct training itself but can ensure content and quality by approving examiners and issuing certificates.
The Swedish young members group, BYM gathers young professionals in the Swedish Rock Engineering Association under 35 years. BYMs vision is to offer a network for young professionals already working in the business or on their way to establish themselves as professionals.
BYM shall offer an open and welcoming platform for sharing experiences and ideas to benefit the industry. A 1-year mentoring program called DevelopYM has been launched in 2018. The programme aims to strengthen the trainee in their professional role, in their personal development and inspire professional and competence development.
The Swedish Rock Engineering Association has together with Bonnier Publications published the children´s book “Vinnie and the metro”. The book has been distributed for free to more than 12’000 children between the ages of 3 and 6 years old where they learn how to build tunnels in hard rock.
The Swedish Rock Engineering Association has with its sister organisation Rock Engineering Research Foundation (BeFo) a long history of gathering our industry and academia to share ideas to improve our business to be in the forefront regarding technology and sustainability.

In 1946, the large steel companies began a unique collaboration to develop materials for rock drilling. This collaboration was crowned a success. After a period of inactivity, the committee was transformed into the Rock Blasting Committee in 1957 when it was found that a forum for the exchange of knowledge was needed for the entire rock blasting industry. This has later come to include all technology related to underground construction in rock. As of 1 July 2017, the Rock Blasting Committee has officially changed its name to the Swedish Rock Engineering Association after expanding its collaboration with the Rock Engineering Research Foundation, BeFo.