Welcome to Stockholm

Stockholm is the capital of Sweden and Sweden’s largest city. Known as a vibrant, multicultural metropolitan area, Stockholm is a city full of character. Stockholm is commonly ranked among the ‘best’ and ‘most liveable’ cities in the world with good reason.  At visitstockholm.com you will find everything you need to enjoy our capital during your visit. 

The City

Founded more than 800 years ago, Stockholm is a mix of historic buildings and a modern aesthetic. Built on 14 islands, Stockholm offers spectacular views of the Baltic Sea, is home to three UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and offers access to more than 100 museums and world class dining and night life. And whether you know it or not, you are probably familiar with many of Stockholm’s exports. Alfred Nobel, Greta Thunberg, ABBA, and Avicii all hail from Stockholm, while Skype, Spotify and Mindcraft were all launched from Stockholm! 


Yet despite its urban feel, Stockholm is connected closely with nature. Stockholm and the surrounding areas have many trails that bring hikers to spectacular views and historic locations. The Stockholm archipelago, a collection of nearly 30,000 islands and islets, is easily accessible from the city centre. If you are looking for a peaceful cove, untouched island, rocky cliff or beautiful Baltic Sea views there is no better place than the Stockholm archipelago. 


Swedish culture is characterized by a focus on simplicity, equality, and social responsibility. It values nature, with a deep appreciation for the outdoors and a strong commitment to sustainability. Sweden is also known for its design, from minimalist furniture to iconic fashion brands. Traditional Swedish culture includes fika, a coffee break with sweet treats, and Midsummer, a celebration of the summer solstice. Overall, Swedish culture is a unique blend of tradition and innovation, rooted in a strong sense of community and social consciousness.


Sweden’s geology is diverse, with ancient rocks over 3 billion years old in the Fennoscandian Shield, a Caledonian Mountain Range with peaks like Kebnekaise and metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, and the Transscandinavian Igneous Belt with igneous intrusions like granite and gabbro formed 1.8 billion years ago. Sweden has valuable mineral resources such as iron ore, copper, zinc, lead, and silver, making the mining industry crucial to its economy.


Swedish hospitality is characterized by warmth, friendliness, and a strong sense of community. Swedes place a high value on equality and respect for all individuals, making visitors feel welcome and comfortable. Traditional Swedish hospitality includes fika, a coffee break with sweet treats, and open-faced sandwiches. The country’s thriving tourism industry is a testament to the welcoming nature of the Swedish people.


Swedish innovation is renowned worldwide, with a strong focus on sustainability and social responsibility. The country has produced many groundbreaking inventions, including the pacemaker, Skype, and Spotify. Sweden’s government invests heavily in research and development, and its education system prioritizes creativity and critical thinking. The country’s thriving startup scene, with companies like Klarna and iZettle, is a testament to its culture of innovation.


The official currency of Sweden is the Swedish krona (SEK), which has been in use since 1873. The country is known for its cashless society, with many businesses and individuals using mobile payment solutions such as Swish.


Swedish cuisine has a rich history and is known for its use of simple, fresh ingredients that are often sourced locally. Some traditional Swedish dishes include meatballs (köttbullar), pickled herring (sill), and pea soup with pancakes (ärtsoppa och pannkakor). Many restaurants has gained international acclaim and Swedish chefs have won many prestigious prizes in international competitions.